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Biometria e Estatística recebe palestra de Arnaud Betrand

O Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biometria e Estatística Aplicada(PPGBEA) da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (UFRPE) realiza no dia 22/03, às 14h, um ciclo de seminários em 2017.1. O evento ocorrerá  no auditório do PPGBEA e tem como público-alvo discentes de ciências exatas.


Dentro do evento, o Professor Arnaud Betrand ministrará a palestra Underwater acoustics for ecosystem research: synthesis of current knowledge and perspective in Northeast Brazil (Acústica subaquática para pesquisa de ecossistemas: síntese de Conhecimento e perspectiva no Nordeste do Brasil). Um dos objetivos desta palestra é chamar a atenção de estudantes de mestrado e doutorado, além de pós-dooutores, que tenham interesse em participar de um curso sobre acústica a ser ministrada pelo professor em Agosto.


Arnaud Bertrand

Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD, France), visitant professor UFRPE and UFPE

The ocean is still an unknown word in many aspects. Indeed, light only penetrates a few meters below the water surface. This distance is further reduced if the medium presents suspended solids or microorganisms such as zooplankton. However, sound waves travel longer distances through water. Acoustic instruments that transmit and receive sound waves can be used to detect a variety of ecosystem components. While used in routine for fish biomass assessment in a variety of marine laboratories, underwater acoustic techniques have an unrealized potential for multi-component observations of abiotic and
biotic ecosystem characteristics. A growing number of studies is taking advantage of recent improvements (e.g. multifrequency, broadband echosounders) to simultaneously characterise physical structures (e.g. thin layers, internal waves, eddies) and organisms (from zooplankton to whales) patterns of distribution across scales from meters to thousands of kilometres.

In this context this talk has two objective. The first one is to present the current state of advance of ‘ecosystem’ acoustics
worldwide with a focus on current project in Northeast Brazil. Second, since we are considering constructing a group in underwater acoustic in Recife (UFRPE + UFPE), we are looking for students (Master, PhD, postdoc) that could be interested by this discipline. We are planning a summer school on this aspect in August 2017 and offer data and subjects for thesis in ecosystem acoustic.