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UFRPE has 104 years of tradition in teaching, extension and research in the State and in the country. Its secular history is marked at the same time by the capacity for innovation in seeking to contribute to overcoming socio-environmental problems and sustainable development in projects and research involving the agrarian, human, social and exact sciences.

Inaugurated with Veterinary Medicine and Agronomy courses, the new profile of the Institution covers 59 undergraduate courses, including Administration, Economics, Physical Education, Gastronomy, Information Systems, Computer Science and several Engineering, in the campus of Recife and in the Academic Units Garanhuns (UAG), Serra Talhada (UAST) and Cabo de Santo Agostinho (UACSA), as well as Distance Education. At the graduate level, he excelled in the production of research with 48 master's and doctoral courses.

Since the founding of the School of Agriculture in 1912, until now, the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE) has achieved good results due to investments in teaching, research and extension actions. Comprising more than 1200 professors, more than a thousand technicians and about 17 thousand students, UFRPE also has advanced research stations, that is, extensions located in the Litoral, Zona da Mata, Agreste and Sertão de Pernambuco. They are: Ecological Station of Tapacurá, in São Lourenço da Mata; Experimental Station of Sugarcane (EECAC) and Experimental Station of Small Animals (EEPAC), in Carpina; Garanhuns Cattle Clinic (CBG); Irrigated Agriculture Station (EAII), in Ibimirim; And the Irrigated Agriculture Station (EAIP) in Parnamirim.

There are more than 4 thousand places available annually. The selection is made through the National Examination of High School (Enem), with the Unified Selection System (Sisu), but the student can also enter as holder of diploma and other procedures. The integration between the student body and the teaching staff - almost all of them composed of masters and doctors trained in renowned universities - and the intense research activity make the University a center of national excellence in the areas in which it operates.

In terms of infrastructure, UFRPE offers the academic community the Central Library (BC), with a collection of more than 70 thousand volumes, including books and leaflets, newspaper titles, films and documentaries. The BC is also equipped with digital reference totems for publications and other institutional information, as well as computers that enable the operation of the equipment through sounds, as well as Braille printer and other apparatuses for students with visual limitations.

The campus structure of Dois Irmãos also has: Sports center with semi-Olympic swimming pool, indoor court, soccer field and athletics track; student residence; Core health services for medical, dental, psychological consultations, laboratory and clinical analyzes, social assistance and nursing for servers, students and the surrounding community; Veterinary Hospital, which performs 1200 monthly visits, among consultations, examinations and surgeries in small and medium-sized animals.

UFRPE, through the International Cooperation Agency (ICA), establishes relations and agreements of interinstitutional cooperation with universities and centers of education and scientific production of several countries. Through projects aimed at exchanging experience of students and teachers of different nationalities, UFRPE signs agreements, promotes exchanges and guides the university community about scholarship opportunities, courses and international events. It also facilitates and encourages the coming of researchers from other countries for mutual enrichment.

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