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Module I do the Didactic-Pedagogical Update Course in November

The Pro-Rectory of Undergraduate Education (PREG / UFRPE), through the Coordination of Pedagogical Support, announces the date of the execution of Module I: UFRPE: ACADEMIC AND ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT, of the Pedagogical Educational Updating Course, Headquarters / Two Brothers.

The Course, required since Edict No. 40 of 12/14/2007, is intended for UFRPE undergraduate professors who are in probationary stage.

It should be noted that Module I will be destined for the teachers of the Headquarters / Dois Irmãos, UACSA and UAEADTec.

The course will be held from 06/11/17 to 10/11/2017, from 8 am to 12 noon.

The Registration Form must be completed and sent to the following e-mail:

Subscribers will receive the schedule / location via e-mail.

More information by telephone: 3320. 6175 - CAP / PREG.