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UFRPE wins Brazilian University Games in the first edition of League of Legends

Invocators controlling champions for battles in Arenas to destroy the nexus of the enemy form one of the newest sport teams of the West Zone of Recife, more precisely in the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco. No, you did not read wrong, that's right! But do not expect hours of gym, work out, sweep and sweaty towels.

The difference of Blackbulls Gaming for the sports teams in which you may have thought, is that it is an electronic sports team, more precisely the League of Legends, a growing modality in the world. LOL, an acronym for gamers, is a multiplayer online battle arena with more than 100 million players around the world according to Riot Games, creator of the game.

The UFRPE team won, last weekend, the first edition of the Brazilian University Games (JUBs) with the inclusion of the League of Legends as one of its modalities. The edition took place in Goiás and counted on a 100% northeastern podium; besides Pernambuco and Sergipe, who played in the final, Rio Grande do Norte was in third place. The final, against the Federal University of Sergipe, lasted more than three hours and was defeated by the Pernambucans by 3x1. It was the only gold in collective sports that came to Pernambuco. This is the second year that electronic sports has space in the JUBs; in 2016 the FIFA game was very successful in the competition in Cuiabá-MT and made the modalities to be expanded this year.

On Tuesday, the champions will be welcomed by the rector, teacher Maria José de Sena, and by the vice-chancellor, professor Marcelo Carneiro Leão, at 5:30 p.m., at the Rector for official greetings.

(Credit: Chico Peixoto/ Fape)


According to Sérgio Medeiros, President of the Academic Athletic Association of UFRPE, and also a player of the game, the idea arose in the meetings of the Association because the electronic sports were on a growing curve and he put in the group of University students on Facebook if there was interest in participating of an electronic sports team. "There were more than 70 people interested, more than football, volleyball and basketball. It was the way that brought people to the Association. "

José Cassimiro Júnior, coordinator of electronic sports at UFRPE, points out that one of the advantages of having a virtual team is to be able to schedule the training directly over the internet. "We still do not have a physical space at the University, also because it's something recent, but we coordinate the training sessions online or else here in the room in the Association joining five computers for our athletes."


John "Elderot" Elyson of the Information Systems course is the coach, or coach of the team. Without the glamor of Pep Guardiola, Daddy Joel's clipboard and Bernardinho's shouts, he dictates the strategies and coordinates the team's squad according to the expertise if each player: "All who came to the selection went through a game of test and how they had been playing before we put them in the functions in which they called themselves experts. We chose the best to represent the team, "he says.

For those who think it's just a mere electronic game, League of Legends is packed with strategy; the hustle and bustle can be expensive and many trophies and prizes. "Escalation" needs to be well thought out to succeed; Jungler does not occupy any of the lanes specifically of the game (they are 3) and evolves by killing the neutral troops found on the map, the support staff has high healing power and serves as an auxiliary to the team and buffs opponents (increase damage) . AD Carry is a "fragile" character, but with high damage power and carries very valuable items for the team.

AP Carry are the mages, who like the AD Carry, are fragile but have a lot of damage power. They run through the mid lane, the central part of the map along with the Assassins, fast and good pursuers of champions. In the Top Lane are the champions who have a lot of resistance and do not need to return to base frequently; is the Bruisers' natural habitat!


Popularly known for the Agrarian Sciences, UFRPE has been changing its profile over the years. Although the Veterinary Medicine and Agronomy courses still have as chief vehicles, the Institution has stood out more in the evaluations of the courses of technology. In 2017, Information Systems and Computer Science Courses earned five stars in the 2017 Student Guide. In addition, the University has a project for a new building for the IT Department to better accommodate students, technicians and also has a structure more suitable for new technologies.

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