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UFRPE signs Manifesto for Brazilian Science on Science Day C

The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Marcelo Carneiro Leão, and the pro-rector of Research and Post-Graduation at UFRPE, Professor Madalena Guerra, signed the Manifesto for Brazilian Science last Wednesday (25/10). The document is the initiative of the Pernambuco Research and Graduate Pro-Rectors, with the support of the rectors of the public universities of Pernambuco, the Foundation for Science and Technology Support of Pernambuco (Facepe) and the Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation ( Secti).

The signing marked the programming of Science Day C, in which universities and research centers across the country mobilized to solicit government and society support for scientific production. "It's a day of struggle for our research and scientific production, which is about 90% made in Brazilian universities," said UFRPE deputy dean.

In addition to the signing of the Manifesto, Prof. Isac Almeida de Medeiros, Pro-Rector of Research at the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), gave a lecture on Science and National Sovereignty. Still at Secti, the Trio Freveribe, from the Music Department of UFPE, finalized the set of actions with Concerto for Science.

Access the Manifesto in the attachment below.

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