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UFRPE takes astronomy to public school students during National Science and Technology Week

The moon, stars, planets and other celestial bodies have attracted the human eye for millennia. Not only researchers and astronomers, but also artists, poets and lovers have always found inspiration and enchantment in heaven. Embracing the commitment to popularize science and having astronomy as a starting point for inclusion, the UFRPE Extension project team Unveiling the Southern Sky is present at the National Science and Technology Week of Pernambuco, which runs through Saturday ( 28/10) throughout the State.

The project involves astronomical courses, astronomical tourism activities and educational actions to raise awareness and popularization of science, under the coordination of the astrophysicist and professor of UFRPE Antônio Carlos Miranda and the participation of monitors of several courses of UFRPE.

On Wednesday, the team carried out a series of activities together with students from schools of the public education network at the Center of Science Education of the Northeast (Cecine-UFRPE), from 9am to 4pm. The following day, it goes to the municipality of Itacuruba, to the Astronomical Observatory of the Sertão de Itaparica (Oasi), coordinated by the National Observatory in agreement with UFRPE.

On Friday, it is the turn of students from the Reference School (Erem) of Itacuruba to participate in the actions of popularization of science.

Already on Saturday, the municipality of Afogados da Ingazeira receives the project, which ends the SNCT 2017 in Pernambuco. At the occasion, the Afogados da Ingazeira Astronomy Club will be founded, an initiative of the Unveiling the Southern Sky team at UFRPE, together with the municipal government. The Club will operate in a municipal school and will have observatory with telescopes and telescopes, group of assembly and launch of rocket and minicourses of astronomy of permanent form.

"It's enough of the university to be closed in on itself. Researchers stand in front of a computer, inside a cabinet, and society does not even know what it is they do. To popularize is to give people the opportunity to get to know science and present what Brazil has of science, "emphasizes Professor Antônio Carlos Miranda.

Check out the video about the Unraveling the Southern Sky project on UFRPE Channel:

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