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Open enrollment for Training of users of the System of Daily Allowance and Tickets

The Coordination of Daily Allowances and Passes of the UFRPE Administrative Vice-Chancellor performs another Training of Users of the Daily Allowance System (SCDP), according to the data described below. Registration is due on November 6th.


 Location: UFRPE - Physical Education Department - Informatics Laboratory - Room 37 - 2nd floor.

Target Audience: Travel Applicants, Proponents and other users of the System of Daily Allowances and Passes - SCDP (Academic and administrative departments of Sede Dois Irmãos, Pro-Rectorates, UEADTEC, UACSA, CODAI).

Períod:  from 07/11/2017 to 09/11/2017

Distribution of Classes: 3 classes, 20 users per class and 2 users per computer.

Trainers: Wagner Soares e João Vítor Bezerra
Support Team: Priscila Bruna e Laiane Barbalho


CLASS 01 – 07/11/2017 - das 09:00h às 12:00h

CLASS 02 – 08/11/2017 - das 09:00h às 12:00h

CLASS 03 – 09/11/2017 - das 14:00h às 17:00h


CProgram content:


  • Presentation;
  • Legislation applied to the processes;
  • Operationalization: request of daily, passages and departures; accountability, return of values and approvals.


Registration: from 25/10/2017 to 06/11/2017.

The user of the System of Concession of Daily and Passes - SCDP must send an application for registration to the e-mail:, indicating the name, extension, Department and the group that wishes to participate.

The CCDP Team will contact the user confirming their participation in the desired group or another, in case there are no vacancies in the group initially requested.

Note: there will be certification at the end of training (workload - 3 hours)

 Wagner Soares

Coordenador de Concessão de Diárias e Passagens da UFRPE - CCDP
Gestor Setorial CCDP/PROAD

Pró-Reitoria de Administração – PROAD
Superintendência de Gestão e Desenvolvimento de Pessoas - SUGEP
Departamento de Educação Física - DEFIS

More information by phone: 3320-6070.

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