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Reitoria receives the Champions of League of Legends


Reitor Maria José de Sena and the Vice Rector, Marcelo Carneiro Leão, received yesterday the champions of League of Legends in the Brazilian University Games 2017.

On that occasion, the Reitora reaffirmed her commitment to the Athletic Association and was very happy with the success of the students.

The team took to the rectory the medals won and the trophy, symbol of the conquest and received from the Superior Administration a bottom and a UFRPE shirt as a form of thanks for the conquest.

Maria Jose said she was doubly happy: "Yesterday I received the news that, boys, had achieved this wonderful achievement, unique. Today, I learned that our student of Information Systems is among the finalists of a Santander competition, where he has to develop an application. "


To learn more about the achievement see here:

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