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UFRPE holds unified degree collation next day 11/20

The Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE) celebrates on November 20, 2017 the Unified Degree Collation of the Undergraduate Courses - face-to-face and distance modalities, for the semester 2017.1. The Solemn Session will be held at 5 pm at the Guararapes Theater of the Convention Center in Olinda. In order to optimize the logistics of the solemnity, the organization makes available the list of honorees by course and in alphabetical order and requests that, when they arrive at the Teatro Guararapes, they present themselves to the staff of the Ceremonial Adviser (ACEP) on the stage of said theater until 4:30 p.m.

The University clarifies that honored professors and servers may be classified in more than one category, such as: director, coordinator of undergraduate course, paraninfo (a) and / or patron / in. Therefore, the Institution requests the collaboration of the teachers and servers so that, when they present themselves to the ceremonial staff, they inform about their respective categories. The letters of communication to the honorees were delivered in the warehouse departments.

The scholarships will be delivered to ACEP to the trainees, course coordinators and honorees, from November 6 to 14 (working days), from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. and from 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. No scholarships will be awarded at Teatro Guararapes.

To the trainees, UFRPE clarifies that they must be present at the Teatro Guararapes with one hour in advance, that is, at 16h. Speakers, jurists and laureates will also present themselves to the staff of the Advisory Office of UFRPE, one hour before the beginning of the Solemnity.

More Information: (81) 3320.6598 / 6011

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