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Open selection of monitoring in Chemistry

It was announced the selection of monitors of Chemistry, for the subjects Experimental Chemistry LI, Inorganic Chemistry L, Inorganic Chemistry L II, General Chemistry.


1 - To be Regularly enrolled, to have studied the discipline and to be approved with an average equal to or greater than 7.0 (seven);

2 - Have availability of 12 (twelve) hours a week morning, afternoon or evening, according to the vacancy requested.

3 - For other courses is open enrollment in the General Chemistry DISCIPLINE, provided that the student has completed the course and meets the above requirements.

PERIOD OF REGISTRATION: 09/11/2017 TO 11/27/2017

LOCAL: Registration Form in the Didactic Support of the Department of Chemistry

DOCUMENTS REQUIRED AT THE REGISTRATION: Updated School History and Proof of Enrollment.

SELECTION EXAMINATION: 11/29/2017 Day Afternoon Schedule: 14: 00-16: 00

LOCATION OF THE SELECTION EXAM: Auditorium of the Department of Chemistry - UFRPE