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Entries for masters and doctorates of UFRPE will be from October 2 to 30

The Pro-Rectory for Research and Post-Graduation (PRPPG / UFRPE) has issued a call for selection of UFRPE Graduate Programs. Entries are from October 2 to 30, 2017, and must be made through the page:

A total of 384 Masters and 167 Doctorate degrees are offered in the Institution's programs: Agronomy (Soil Science), Agronomy (Genetic Improvement of Plants), Animal Bioscience, Biodiversity and Conservation, Biometry and Applied Statistics, Botany, Agricultural Engineering, Ecology, Environmental Education, Environmental Education, Environmental Education, Industrial Ecology, Ethnobiology and Conservation of Nature, Applied Physics, Phytopathology, Applied Informatics, Agricultural Production, Plant Production, Chemistry, Fishery Resources and Aquaculture, Health and Reproduction of Ruminants and Animal Husbandry.

Of the total, 26 masters and 15 doctoral positions are destined to servers of UFRPE.

The registration fee is $ 50.

Check the Edital attached below and get to know the UFRPE Graduate Programs at the following link: