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UFRPE celebrates 105 years of foundation of the first courses with special programming

imagem dos 105 anos


UFRPE celebrates, from November 6, 105 years of foundation of its first courses: Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine, founded by Benedictine monks, on November 3, 1912, when the Superior Schools of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, based in the Monastery of São Bento de Olinda-PE. At the same time, it commemorates the centenary of collation of degree of the first classes of students of such schools. To mark such an important date, special programming was prepared, from 6 to 11 November, with tributes, seminars, publications, thanksgiving mass and cultural presentations, including a chat with the poet Jessier Quirino.

Besides the programming (see below), the passage of 105 brings a series of innovations, which will be presented the same week, such as the new institutional portal, new institutional video, launching of the Commemorative Plaquet and republishing of historical documents and the documentary UFRPE: a century of memories.

Since the creation of the Higher Schools of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine São Bento by German-born monks, led by Dom Pedro Roeser, who came on an educational mission to the São Bento Monastery in Olinda-PE in 1912, the courses that would constitute UFRPE. Throughout this trajectory, the Institution passed from São Bento High Schools to the Rural University of Pernambuco (URP), in 1947, being federalized in 1955 to finally assume the nickname of Federal Rural University of Pernambuco in 1967, integrating itself with System of the Ministry of Education and Culture through Decree no. 60,731, of May 19.

Its secular history is marked at the same time by the capacity for innovation in seeking to contribute to overcoming socio-environmental problems and sustainable development in projects and research involving technological, agrarian, human, social and exact sciences. The new profile of the institution covers 55 undergraduate courses, including Administration, Economics, Physical Education, Gastronomy, Information Systems, Computer Science and several Engineering, in the campus of Recife and in the Academic Units of Garanhuns (UAG), Serra Talhada ( UAST) and the Cabo de Santo Agostinho (UACSA), as well as Distance Education.

At the post-graduate level, it stands out in the production of research with 56 masters and doctorates. Also offer High School and technical courses at the Agricultural College Dom Agostinho Ikas (Codai).

Comprising more than 1200 professors, more than a thousand technicians and about 15 thousand students, UFRPE also has advanced research stations, that is, campuses located in the Litoral, Zona da Mata, Agreste and Sertão de Pernambuco.